June open mics post-mortem
A relatively lazy month compared to May. I still did 3 open mics but they were all at G&B and I should have been a bit more proactive in finding new places. This month I wanted to focus on building up a second backup set from a patchwork of previous bits I’ve done.
G&B New Act Competition – 5th June (35th Gig)
I had never entered a competition before and I felt pretty confident with my regular set so I thought I should give it a go. I did OK, I remembered my entire set for once, but when watching it back I looked very jittery. The winner was Max Norman, and the runner up was Tabish Akbar. Both of whom I’ve seen before and they were easily my two favourites. And the winner from last month, Britt Pay, did a 10 minute headliner which was absolutely brilliant.
It has kind of put things into perspective for me regarding where the next level is if I want to improve.
G&B Comedy – 12th and 29th June (36th and 37th Gig)
At the time of writing it’s been a few weeks since these gigs happened so I don’t really remember what happened. I guess that will start to happen more and more as I perform more gigs. Eventually losing count somewhere around the 120th. I don’t think anything great or disastrous happened. Just the grind of gaining stage time.